Have you ever seen or visited websites that are annoying? When it’s comes to web designing know what visitors hate most, unless you don’t want them to visit you again. This article describes what you should do in your website.
Here are some pointers or few things that might be useful to some web designers and webmasters. Some of top 5 lists and decide for yourself whether you have been annoying your visitors.
Popup windows – Even though popup windows are now blocked by many add on tools, webmasters keep using them. The annoying part of popup that is sometimes actually misses important information because of those anti popup tools. Don’t use pop up windows. Put your important messages in an essential place on your website.
Huge font size – If you are designing a website for people with a disability then you are doing the right thing, but if not then you are shouting. It is like someone shouting at them that’s the huge font. People really don’t like it when someone shouts at them.
Small font size – This is also annoying because you need a magnifying tool to view it, specially if it is not visible to naked eye.
Overlapping layers – Layers can be very useful up to the point. But not when they are being used to put an annoying message in the visitor’s face. Don’t try to force your visitor to read your messages. Try persuasion instead of brute force.
Background music – Unless you are operating an online internet radio station or sell music CDs, why play a midi/wav file in the background continuously on every page?
Many webmasters, particularly new webmasters are totally “in love” with their thoughts and be likely to go and enjoy with their web design in one way or another.
Labels: annoying web design, website design tips